But hey like I said, I’ve had some fun. I lived in the middle of nowhere and made a racket in another old house in Indiana that doesn’t exist anymore (same thing happened where we recorded Homecoming Pageant & Parade in Bloomington. Weird, right?). Anyway, there’s about 35-40 minutes of some really good sloppy rock practically no one has ever heard that will finally reverberate in literally dozens of homes later this year.
An irresistably good first release from kingsizemidget -- Titans of Ahm! guitarist Mike Johnson -- takes lo-fi to new heights ... buy now
Homecoming Pageant & Parade
A story with few words, told in a house that no longer stands. A compelling foray into experimental sound featuring ... buy now
The Sleep-ins
Songs About Girls & Outer Space
The interstellar debut from The Sleep-ins - buy now
Mine Field Dream
Bathsheva's 2009 debut album, fueled by several top-5 mp3.com tracks including Subkarma, Dreaming, and Our Jealous Antagonist. - buy now
Titans Of Ahm!
Cheaper Than Love
The breakthrough debut album from Titans of Ahm!; a lo-fi masterpiece if there ever was one. This innovative duo make ... buy now