The Titans of Ahm! return with their second full-length album, building on the rustic ingenuity offered in their debut, Cheaper Than Love. Still lo-fi, only slightly less, Torpor shows a progression toward sophisticated performances while still addressing the inanity of the modern world. An instant classic that features the songs, "Disaster" and "Smile, Titans."
If you're a Titans fan, this will satisfy immensely. Newcomers will be surprised and delighted by the duo's ability to switch gears from fuzz-drenched rock to lighthearted storytelling and inspired ballads.
The Sleep-ins
Songs About Girls & Outer Space
The interstellar debut from The Sleep-ins - buy now
An irresistably good first release from kingsizemidget -- Titans of Ahm! guitarist Mike Johnson -- takes lo-fi to new heights ... buy now
Homecoming Pageant & Parade
A story with few words, told in a house that no longer stands. A compelling foray into experimental sound featuring ... buy now
Titans Of Ahm!
Cheaper Than Love
The breakthrough debut album from Titans of Ahm!; a lo-fi masterpiece if there ever was one. This innovative duo make ... buy now
Mine Field Dream
Bathsheva's 2009 debut album, fueled by several top-5 tracks including Subkarma, Dreaming, and Our Jealous Antagonist. - buy now